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The Boy Who Started Fires: Prologue through Ch 5
Thank you so much for your willingness to read the first five chapters (and Prologue) of The Boy Who Started Fires. I want this to be the best book it can be, and I value your input. At the end of the PDF, there will be a link to take a short survey about the sample.
At the end of the above-mentioned survey, there will be another link that will allow you to sample the next six chapters, with another short survey (also 3 minutes or less). If you still want to read more, I have yet another set of six chapters for you. Those 17 chapters are all I have ready at this point.
But one thing at a time. Start with these five opening chapters. If they don't grab you at any point, scroll to the end, click the survey link, and let me know (in 3 minutes or less).
Thanks again,